Chart of the Day

#ChartoftheDay: Capital Importation by Sector in Q3 2021

By Khadijat Kareem

January 31, 2022

Capital importation totaled $1.73 billion in Q3 2021. Financing ranked highest, bringing in investments worth 469.17 million and making up 27.1% of the total capital importation for Q3 2021.

The banking sector followed closely with a total capital importation of $460.39 million, 26.59% of the total capital importation for the quarter. The construction sector brought in the lowest foreign capital.

Nigeria’s Q3 capital importation grew by 97.3% compared to the Q2 figure of $875.62 million.

Most of the investments in Q3 2021 came in from the United Kingdom, followed by South Africa, the United States of America, the United Arab Emirates, and Saudi Arabia respectively.