#ChartoftheDay: Nigeria Ranks 18th among the World’s Most Polluted Countries

World Earth day 2022

World Earth day is celebrated on the 22nd of April every year and the theme for 2022 is “Invest in our Planet”. This year’s theme focuses on encouraging individuals, businesses and world leaders to invest and switch to greener technologies and practices. The advocacy around the World Earth Day celebration this year is to challenge everyone, especially decision makers to be bold in their actions and activities to preserve the planet.

Air pollution is one of the largest threats to health across the world and although access to clean air is a fundamental human right, air pollution accounts for about seven million deaths around the world yearly. Air pollution contributed to 30 percent of all pneumonia deaths in 2019;  with 59 percent contamination from household sources and 44 percent from outdoor sources.

Nigeria currently ranks 18th in the list of most polluted countries in the world with an average of 34 micrograms per cubic meter of particulate matter concentration. Particulate matter is the mixture of extremely small particles and liquid droplets in the air, these particles are mostly made of organic chemicals, acids, metals and soil particles.

The WHO released new guidelines to prevent millions of deaths in 2021 and Nigeria currently exceeds the provisions of the guidelines by 5 to 7 times according to the 2021 World Air Quality report.

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